Postcards from Malthusia DAY FIFTY-TWO: Madelaine Culver



The sky is full of faces today. 

Inside, the cat pads the blanket covering my legs

while I wrap ringlets around my fingers. 

He likes the catch of thread in his claws. 

I like the slip of hair between my nails, 

the unseen stretch 

A quiet madness has arrived with the wind.


Trich: diminutive of trichotillomania



Madelaine Culver is a writer and poet with a background in arts administration. Based in the North East of England, she is currently completing her final year of the part-time Writing Poetry MA at Newcastle University. Her work appears in various places online, including the Poetry Book Society‘s YouTube channel and blog, Ink Sweat and Tears, and issue 17 of the international journal, Shuddhashar. Find her on Twitter @fromxthextower.

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