DePfeffelschrift PAGE FIFTEEN : Owen Gallagher

Your Country Needs You!

We answered the Government’s call to keep

                                           the profit flag flying,

                                           the currency stable.

Tut-tutted at having to Zoom from our laptops

                                           and mask up

                                           to queue for a latte.

 We created more offshore companies

                                           to redistribute wealth

                                           among ourselves,

 We made billions during the pandemic.                    

                                          We thank the Government Ministers,

                                          our Head Boys, for that.

Owen Gallagher is a working-class writer, born in Gorbals, Glasgow. He left school at 15 and worked in factories and on building sites, also as a street-sweeper and bus conductor. His most recent publication is: Clydebuilt (Smokestack Books 2019) which was shortlisted for The Scottish Poetry Book of The Year in 2021.

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