Elegies for Alexei Navalny

Last week we invited people to respond poetically to the news of the suspicious death of the Russian dissident politician using the Otwituary form (i.e. <280 characters). Here are the responses we received, with many thanks.


If you would speakup, know this;
the right word is a wedging of doors,
a filling of lamps, a bending of bars,
a flare shot into the sky, a hand
raised to say no more, a tuning fork
before the choir howls, maybe not
today, or tomorrow, but sometime.

Andy Jackson


Show-trialled in the State’s glass box
Navalny’s truth escaped all locks
while the gun-faced thug who put him in it
lies in solitary within it.

W. N. Herbert


You stood hair shorn to humiliate
half hidden by bars defiantly smiling 
setting in minds a different picture 
from that your oppressor would paint
we will trace our own conclusions
history will trace time 
knowing you lit lives beyond tyranny 
and drew hope.

Janet Crawford


‘You gave me my shoe-size in earth with bars around it.
Where did it get you? Nowhere.’ Osip and I are laughing
like fools because many people have lips, that shape words.
There is no such thing as silence. Osip screams, as do I.

Jennifer Compton


A fresh solidarity
of cut flowers rises
at the Solovetsky Stone

Keren MacPherson


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