Peace Sonnet Chain #10 : Clare Pollard

Faustus: Stay, Mephistopheles, and tell me, what good will
my soul do thy lord?

Mephistopheles: Enlarge his kingdom.

We plead that folks now get up from their knees.
What drips down from the firmament is shame,
but we are pragmatists. It isn’t greed
to need cash for your cause. Noone will blame
you if the wealthy donor who you thought
a generous friend invests where children burn.
All grownups know that futures can be bought.
That peace is a commodity. Good turns

out to be someone’s evil. Change takes time,
and so you buy yourself some time, that’s all.
It’s sad, of course, how lorries wait in line
at checkpoints, full of hours that rot and spoil,
but no, our client can’t divest from Hell,
as mentioned in the small-print about souls.

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